Own asset class as an alternative source of return
Volatility is increasingly indispensable as a separate asset class within a portfolio. Its correlation characteristics compared to equities and bonds mean it can be used to effectively diversify a portfolio and help to improve and stabilise its returns.
When using volatility as a key portfolio component, it is essential to have an in-depth understanding of its effect mechanisms, scale the strategy’s risk-return ratio to precisely suit the investor, and put appropriate structures and processes in place.
with considerable experience in the Alternative Solutions portfolio management team
in proprietary databases from the basis for investment decisions and risk monitoring
in Alternative Solutions – as a pioneer for asymmetric concepts and alternative sources of return in Germany
Return with stable risk premium over the long term
Lupus alpha is one of the first and most experienced German providers of volatility strategies. Lupus alpha has been offering investors these innovative derivative-based strategies since 2007.
Alternative risk premium:
Sole value driver: expected volatility is higher than occurred/measured volatility, therefore no rising markets needed to generate return
Overinsurance of the market, especially after crises
Fair payment for assuming risk in the portfolio
Structures and processes:
Aimed at the requirements of liquid alternative investment
IT systems:
Propietary databases for the analysis and simulation of volatility strategies
Team Approach:
Large and experienced management and research team with more than 15 experts
Methodically secure risk management. Fully controlled trading processes
Analysis Strength:
Own Quantitative Analysis Team
We take performance personally
With us, investors know which experienced, skilled fund manager is responsible for the performance of each fund.